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Glass Eye for Needy Youth

SANTIAGO, DOM. REP. - A representative of Worldwide became acquainted with a shy, not well-dressed but very pleasant young woman about 16 years old who was blind in one eye. She had never been to a doctor and did not know whether sight could be restored.

With her agreement, we made an appointment with an opthamologist. Although gaining sight was impossible since the defect had been there since birth, he referred her to a specialist in the capital city where she could obtain a glass eye. He explained this would take several weeks, since she would be fitted with a very small glass eye to wear for a week or two and then be fitted with a slightly larger one. Similarly, she would wear this eye for a while and then be fitted with an even larger eye. This process would continue until the glass eye matched her seeing eye. The girl was anxious to go through with the procedure, so she was given the amount of money required for bus fare and doctor's fees. She would stay with a relative.

Weeks passed, and one day a stranger with a beautiful hairdo, some very stylish clothes, and a vivacious, outgoing personality walked into one of our meetings. It was difficult to notice her glass eye. She was a transformed human being, and for a few pesos.

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